Saturday, June 03, 2006

New Neighbors (No, "youknowwho" hasn't moved)

Well, here are our new neighbors. They're quiet, polite, and don't expect us to act like their personal assistant. We aren't sure when the itty-bitty babies were born, but they have been crapping all over the place. As you can see from the last picture, one of the chicks didn't appreciate the paparazzi. He was pretty angry at the world...or just me.


Anonymous said...

I hoped maybe the rain would just wash away the aging dirty hippie.

Guess more than a gulley wash might be needed.

Speedbump Kitchen said...

Liz, that first photo of the birds is amazing. Can we make a gift request for a 5 x 7 copy and then stack the drawing so you get us for Christmas? We have an unintentional bird theme going on our walls these days, we're really not birdy people or even theme people, they just always seem to catch our eye. -Meg