Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Well, we had the niece over for an afternoon of watchfulness. I want to draw your (all you who have yet to visit) attention to how "child-safe" the Fort really is. No glass shards, poisonous arachnids, or swords...almost as safe as a union shop. Anyway, she ran around being cute. That's all you can really do at her age...run and be cute. Someday I'll teach her how to run and be really, really, ridiculously good looking, but she just isn't ready for that yet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How is it possible that Ben has changed into a pixie haired girl?!? Darling Kate looks just like I remembered Ben from college days. It freaks me out that he's know actually shool age and could be in my class.
Gorgeous kid, makes you want one right?