Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Show Low camping

Well, here we are. We've spent the last two weekends at this campground. Rather nice. We were next to a family with two children who disguised themselves as monsters for the weekend. The 11 year old boy lost his purple ball over the cliff and went into hysterics. After stomping his foot and kicking a nearby boulder, he stomped his way into his camper. Nice. We retrieved it for him. Self-sufficiency was a new idea for him.


Anonymous said...

Now retrieving the ball and throwing it in the lake would have been a laugh. Ha! What is it with you guys and crappy neighbors? Better luck this weekend. Summer vacation for teachers means not having to deal with crappy kids.

Anonymous said...

You guys are too nice.. I would have retreived the ball and then had a wicked game of dodgeball going. First one to make the whiny kid cry gets ice cream.
Ahhh the joy of camping.

Vanessa said...

It's almost like Big Love on HBO - minus the polygamy and other grossness. Still, I want my own town bad.

Vanessa said...

I haven't seen it, only excerpts of it on shows where the cast is being interviewed. But it looks like it could be another addicting HBO series.