Monday, September 08, 2008

Latest Project-"Uplifting" or "Rising"?

I admit, I had very little to do with the latest addition to the middle school campus. I have no aptitude for painting, and I'm not a fan of working outdoors in 104 degree heat. However, Jeff would not be deterred. He forced me to endure a little of both. His goal was to create art that would remind students to rise above the status quo. He has also been on a "wing" kick since returning from Italy.

The clouds are whiteboard cut-outs. Provided the messages remain encouraging and positive, we expect that students will be allowed to make contributions throughout the year. Here's "El Jefe".

Monday, September 01, 2008

Wildlife Week

It's been a busy week in our courtyard. We don't have sharks, bears, or cormorants...but we do have wild dogs and mid-sized feral pigs. Happily, the coyote snacked on some ground squirrels.