Thursday, June 22, 2006

Other neighbors...

This guy also showed up on our porch...not so cute. But, I'm no anti-reptite.

Meg, want to start a new theme for Bryn's room?

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Adios, Show Low

We finished up the graduate class in Show Low last weekend. As we drove through the Salt River Canyon for the final time we noticed quite a few cars pulled over looking down. So, we stopped and looked down.

Oops. That's all that's left of a tractor-trailer...or semi-truck, if you will.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Show Low camping

Well, here we are. We've spent the last two weekends at this campground. Rather nice. We were next to a family with two children who disguised themselves as monsters for the weekend. The 11 year old boy lost his purple ball over the cliff and went into hysterics. After stomping his foot and kicking a nearby boulder, he stomped his way into his camper. Nice. We retrieved it for him. Self-sufficiency was a new idea for him.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Among other reasons...

During our weekend touring around Show Low we found another reason to stay in the truck while taking photographs.

"If you can show low, you win"

We've been attending a weekend class in Show Low, Arizona for the past two weekends. This quaint mountain village (think Hillsdale in the mountains) received its name from a card game between two settlers. In any case, the drive to Show Low takes us through the Salt River Canyon. Most of the photos are taken from the truck because its too darn hot to get out of the air conditioning...among other reasons.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Well, we had the niece over for an afternoon of watchfulness. I want to draw your (all you who have yet to visit) attention to how "child-safe" the Fort really is. No glass shards, poisonous arachnids, or swords...almost as safe as a union shop. Anyway, she ran around being cute. That's all you can really do at her and be cute. Someday I'll teach her how to run and be really, really, ridiculously good looking, but she just isn't ready for that yet.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

New Neighbors (No, "youknowwho" hasn't moved)

Well, here are our new neighbors. They're quiet, polite, and don't expect us to act like their personal assistant. We aren't sure when the itty-bitty babies were born, but they have been crapping all over the place. As you can see from the last picture, one of the chicks didn't appreciate the paparazzi. He was pretty angry at the world...or just me.