Sunday, April 08, 2007

Lone Rock

Now, I'm sure there are some people in the desert Southwest who think a drought is a bad thing. Not me. No, I'm an eternal optimist. Go ahead, give me your lemons. Lake Powell's lowered water levels have made kayaking a real treat. Mmmm, sweet lemonade. The "Lone Rock" gives a pretty clear picture of the lowered water level. See if you can find me in the picture.


chinadventure said...

Dan I know you're usually considered HUGE but in that pic you look so small! I think I can still see your biceps though.

Dan said...

dude, those are my ears. Jerk.

Speedbump Kitchen said...

Happy Birthday to You! 1 year since your last post. Stop living vicariously through my speedbump blog at least leave a comment if you're going to hover! Like my new camera? It is soooo cool.